Read more about skin cancer, issues, news and patient advice from our experts:
Ask The Expert: Sun Damage
WHAT DO I DO IF I BURN MY SKIN? Ideally, with the right high SPF sun cream and caution, sunburn can be avoided completely. However, in cases where sunburn happens, it is important to begin treating as soon as possible and get out of the
Worried about a mole?
A mole is a coloured spot on the skin which is made up of a cluster of cells known as melanocytes which are responsible for producing the pigment in your skin. Sometimes these melanocytes grow in a cluster instead of being spread out which results
Is BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma) a Completely Curable Disease? How?
You might not have heard of Basal Cell Carcinoma before, but it is actually the most common form of skin cancer in the UK. About 80% of the people who are diagnosed with skin cancer every year have a BCC. If you are diagnosed with
Does Phototherapy Cause Skin Cancer?
Phototherapy is a treatment that uses UV light to relieve inflammation and other symptoms of skin conditions. You might be aware that it is the UV in sunlight that can cause problems such as skin ageing and cancer. Is it safe to use this kind
Should You Worry About Sun Damage in Winter?
Sun damage isn’t usually a problem in the UK in winter. The UV rays are not usually strong enough at this time of year to cause sunburn, but they can still affect your skin. Sun damage is responsible for many of the skin conditions treated